Move Guides

What are enquiries?

Written by Julia Burgess | Nov 15, 2023 4:34:21 PM

It all sounds very serious but don’t fret, there’s a simple explanation!

What are enquiries?

Enquiries are questions that are asked by the buyer's conveyancer to the seller's conveyancer. It really is as simple as that!

Who deals with them?

The buyer’s conveyancer works through the paperwork that the seller’s conveyancer sends them. If there is any missing information, or something is unclear, they raise enquiries, or put simply, ask questions!

The seller’s conveyancer is responsible for answering the enquiries, but sometimes before they can answer, they need to ask for information from the seller or a third party - usually the local authority or the Land Registry. Conveyancers call the answers to any questions “replies to enquiries”.

What enquiries are normally raised?

Enquiries can range from something simple like when the boiler was last serviced to something more in depth such as issues with the property title.

Ways to minimise potential enquiries

When selling a property, you can help reduce the need for enquiries to be raised by

  • Fully completing every part of the Property Information Form
  • Sending copies of all documents and certificates that you refer to in this form to your conveyancer
  • Dealing with any further information requests from your conveyancer as soon as possible and contact them if you don’t understand what they are asking you do to.

Contracts will not be exchanged until all enquiries are answered.